Monday, October 15, 2012

"Cybering isn't really my thing."

The title of this post is in quotes because I actually found myself uttering that phrase tonight.  A young -- and rather cute, I might add -- guy approached me and started talking sexually to me.  It was clear that he intended the conversation to turn into an alright wankfest of cybersex.  So I figured I best politely, yet firmly put the breaks on.

Granted, there was a time when I was into cybersex, much like there was a time I was open to long distance relationships.  And as with those, I grew, my needs and views changed, and I realized that it wasn't working for me.  Interestingly enough, I'd say that the transition from liking both to finding them undesirable were nearly coincidental with one another.  In many ways, that makes sense.  My original interest in both were motivated by the same factors.  I was in a rather isolated area where finding out and gay guys was difficult.  Being out was somewhere between difficult and outright impossible.  So in addition to being open to the idea of getting away from that situation and moving away into the arms of Mr. Right, engaging in cybersex with guys online provided me not only a sexual outlet, but a way to explore the feelings and desires that were finally bursting out of the dark dungeon I had confined them to.

The thing is, while cybersex is great for exploring and expressing one's desires, it doesn't really fulfill all those desires.  There's not the same physical intimacy (and probably not the same emotional intimacy either) that comes with actual, person-to-person sex.  Over time, that missing piece of the puzzle became more obvious, making online fun decreasingly fulfilling and interesting.

Of course, then I met a few guys and finally had real physical intimacy, which underscored what was lacking in my cybersex experiences.  Once I had that experience, going back to an imperfect substitute made less and less sense.  In eventuality, I lost interest altogether.  After all, time spent cybering is time I could spend making connections with local people, connections that again might eventually lead to the "real deal."

Having that brief encounter with a guy who is clearly at a point in his life where he's heavily into cybering simply reminded me of another way in which I've grown and changed.  I don't know if he will take the same path I did or come to the same conclusions someday.  Maybe for him, cybersex will always be a desirable part of his life.  If so, more power to him.  That's his choice to make and I have no desire to tell him how to live his life.

I simply recognized what is right for me and how that's changed over time.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy National Coming Out Day!

It's October 11, my friends.  That means that once again it is National Coming Out Day!  For those who aren't familiar with the day, look here for a brief explanation about it.  I didn't know that this day has been going on for 25 years now.  I only found out about it after I came out.  It's hard to imagine that the day was born back when I was a teenager.  That seems like another lifetime.

In many ways, I do view my pre-coming-out days as a different life.  A life that was marked by worry, shame, deception (of both myself and others), and general unpleasantness.  Accepting who I was as a gay man meant I was able to explore who I am, get to know myself, and find greater freedom in all my colorful glory.  I even have relatives who comment that it's as if I'm a different person.  Some of them like the new person I've become.  Others wish that the "old me" would return, stuffing the best parts of me back into a dusty, confining closet.  Alas, those relatives will remain disappointed.

So to all my gay friends, Happy NCOD!  To all my not-gay-but-supportive friends, thank you for accepting and cherishing me for who I am.  And to everyone, I say be true to yourself, lest you lose sight of both the truth and yourself altogether.

Note:  The image for this post was taken from this page, which is well worth reading.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Get Personal With Me: Colds and Self Care

Today's installment of Get Personal With Me is inspired by the fact that I've been tiring myself out to the point that I think I'm now trying to fight off a cold.

What helps you feel better when you're dealing with a cold?  Do you rely on comfort foods?  Have you found particular medications or even home remedies helpful?

Please keep the comment policy in mind when talking about other people's answers.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Get Personal With Me: Compliments

What's the best compliment you've ever received?  Has anyone ever been particularly touched by a compliment you've offered them.

Note:  Please keep the comment policy in mind when responding to this post or anyone else's answers.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Stealing an idea from JF

(Notice:  Frank sex talk ahead.)

Yesterday, JF wrote a great blog post considering what kind of lover his is.  Be sure to check out his list.  Then consider applying for the position of his lover, because I'm convinced he's going to make some guy damn lucky.

I want to springboard off of JF's list and consider not what kind of a lover I am, but what I'm looking for right now in terms of a relationship.  It's something that's changed over the years, and I think it'll continue to change as I grow and change.

Of course, growing up, I wanted the perfect lifelong relationship.  In reality, I still want that someday.  It's just a much more long term goal.  But in my teens (okay, back then I thought I wanted all that with a girl because that's what I was taught I was supposed to want) and twenties, it's all I would consider.  Every relationship I considered, even every potential date, was filtered through the mindset of "Is this the one???"

In many ways, I think that was harmful to me and my attempts to build friendships and relationships.  It became a sort of desperation that I suspect drove more than one guy away.

After that, I went through what I jokingly (to some friends' amusement) refer to as "my slut phase."  At that point, I was tired of trying for romance and getting incredibly hurt.  I wanted to just go out and have sex.  And I did.  I hooked up.  I met guys out and we went back to one of our places.  I even arranged to meet at one of our places without first meeting in public.  It was a fun time and I certainly enjoyed the sex.

Eventually though, I began to miss the emotional connection and intimacy.  I also started getting the sense that I was more than just an ass for the other guy to stick his cock into, which left me unhappy.  I didn't need to be the other guys "one and only love," but I wanted to matter as a person rather than being seen as an interchangeable part or the latest masturbatory aid.

So now I'm looking for that middle ground.  I want that relationship where I get along with a guy, we have a great time together -- both in and out of the bedroom -- and just seem to mesh well.  I want a relationship where we can talk, plan, work out differences where possible and accept them where it's not possible.  And yeah, if it lasts till death do us part, that's great.  But if it just lasts a couple of months while making them fantastic and enjoyable months, I'm good with that too.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Getting back into the saddle.

I was terribly quiet last week.  That's mainly because I was downright exhausted last week.  The week before that, I had been incredibly busy, what with going to a concert and having that date with the one guy.  That was on top of my usual adventures out and about at Home Bar and just having fun with friends.

So last week, I decided I needed some much needed R&R as a preventive measure.  I started having a tickle in my throat and the occasional sniffles.  When that happens, I know it's time to slow down a bit and get plenty of rest unless I want to spend a day or two in bed (which is never quite as fun when you're spending it there alone as when you're spending it there with someone else).

Sadly, this also meant that I didn't get much writing done.  (Have I mentioned that I started a new writing project?)  I'm trying not to beat myself up over that too much.  The two weeks prior to this past one, I had been starting to really get rolling on the writing.  Then last week hit and I dropped down to writing just a handful of paragraphs.  I'm committed to getting back into the swing of things (without a lot of self-flagellation) this week though.  I hope to have writing spurts Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday this week.

On the meeting people/potential dating front, I also spent most of last week conversing with someone new in email.  He seems like a pretty cool guy.  He's about five years younger than me.  We've enjoyed our conversations.  I'm not sure it'll turn into anything more than electronic pen pals, let alone friendship, but I'm trying to enjoy it for what it is.  It's certainly better than a brief conversation or meeting followed by never talking again.  That pattern gets a little annoying after a while, let me tell you.

At any rate, I hope to have more to write as the week progresses.