Saturday, May 26, 2012

Improvements for the G(WT)P Experience

Hello, my small but (hopefully) growing group of readers!  It's your generous (No, not that kind of "generous."  You hustlers can sit back down.) and fun-loving host, Colorful.  I just woke up a little bit ago and just wanted to draw your attention to some of the changes I've been making here at Getting (Way Too) Personal over the past few days.

Look Ma, I'm phallic!
I recently added a comment policy to give people an idea of what sort of behavior is and isn't acceptable for people who comment here.  Most of, being as wonderful as you host, probably don't even need to bother reading it.  Let's face it, we all know that comment policies are written for that tiny fraction of a blog's reader who either didn't have a mommy who knew how to teach them to be a decent human being or couldn't be bothered to learn that particular lesson.  Nonetheless, I'd appreciate it if you would all read it, just to be on the safe side.  Plus, you know, I wrote it!  I at least tried to make it entertaining.  And besides, what ever blog threatens to banish misbehaving commenters to Tartarus?

If you haven't noticed, I also added a Facebook Like button for G(WT)P.  Yes, that means that my blog has a Facebook page!  Right now, it only has links to my blog entries here, but that may change.  But if you could give me a bit of love and like the page, that would be awesome.  Also, if you could share my page (and blog) with your friends, I'll try to slip you some ambrosia or something.

Just today, I've also added a feed from my Twitter account, along with a link for subscribing.  I've had the account for a few days and I'm trying to have a bit of fun with it.  I'll do more and more as time permits.  But please consider following me.  Not only is it another way to stay abreast of what I'm blogging about, but you can get short bursts of my rainbow-flavored zaniness when you just don't have time to read a full post.  And again, #FF will be awarded with ambrosia or something (like sexual favors if you're cute and can find me in real life).

Anyway, that should give you an idea of the things going on here.  I'll keep working on improving the site and making the G(WT)P experience as enjoyable as possible.  But right now, I need to go start my day.  I'll try to write again later.  May your days be filled with excitement.  Just be sure to clean up the mess afterward!

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