Monday, May 21, 2012

Staying Busy and Making New Connections

Note:  This post mentions new people and new code names.  Don't forget your scorecard!

Wow!  It's been almost a month since I last wrote!  This is getting to be a pattern for me!  If I ever want this blog to go anywhere, I guess I need to work on getting more self-disciplined.  Have I mentioned that I hate self-discipline.  Now being disciplined by others, that's another story!  But I digress.  And I've got a dirty mind.

Part of the reason I haven't written is that I've been keeping busy.  Between trying to walk more, taking Hellcat outdoors to play, going out, and just generally having a good time, there hasn't been a lot of time for writing.  When I do have spare time right now, I just want to relax and watch television or chat with friends.

Friends have been a big issue on my mind lately.  One of the things I liked about dating with Snuggly Bear is that he seemed to have a lot of friends at Home Bar and it seemed like a pretty good way to start meeting people.  Of course, I have my own friends too.  They're fantastic friends that I can count on if I need something.  But they have busy lives and commitments, so going out for drinks or catching a movie isn't really an option for a lot of them.  Since going to bars is pretty much all Snuggly Bear does and he's well known at least at Home Bar, meeting such people through him seemed like a good idea.  Alas, it didn't work out so well.

I was a bit nervous the first time I went back to Home Bar after I broke up with him.  I wasn't sure what kind of reception I would receive.  Fortunately, that turned out to be no big deal.  Truth be told, the people that Snuggly Bear and I tend to gravitate toward seem to make up different "crowds," despite the fact that they share the same venue.  I'd rather go in during the afternoon and early evening and chat with people like Sweet Waiter, Sassy Waiter, Management, and Fellow Geek.  Snuggly Bear, on the other hand, tends to go for late nights to do karaoke or dance.  So that works out well for both of us.

Running into Fellow Geek was a pleasant surprise.  I've met him before, as we used to have another common hang-out.  So when I came downstairs from dinner the other week and saw him there, we had a pleasant reunion.  He tends to hang out there on Sunday afternoons, so I'm thinking that may become a regular Sunday afternoon occurrence.

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